Oxford Language Technologies Logo, which is a Dragon Silhouete
Oxford Language
Technologies Ltd

Omniloquent Language Primer

Learning a language, but have no one to practice with?
Need to brush up your skills before a trip or meeting?
Studying for a GCSE, A Level or proficiency exam?
Practice dynamic spoken conversations with our friendly AI tutor.
Make the most of your time with targeted, intensive practice of spoken and written language.
French German Spanish Italian Polish Mandarin Japanese
Coming Soon: English Portuguese

Log in  or  Sign up
using an existing Microsoft or Google account
One Day Trial
Try out our Dynamic Conversations and Intensive Practice in any supported language for a day.
Single Language
per month
Two Languages
per month
All Languages
per month

Fair Use Limits Apply: We expect that an learner would be able to use the app for up to an hour a day per language, split between Dynamic Conversation and Intensive Practice, without running out of time.

Looking for a different language? Contact us with requests.
Need help signing up? Walkthrough: Creating an account

Learning a new language is challenging.
Native speakers typically produce around 2.5 words a second, drawing from a vocabulary of around 30,000 words and a complex network of grammatical knowledge.
To converse fluently with proficient speakers you need strong and automatic language knowledge, deeply embedded in your memory, which you can only develop through frequent and varied practice.
That can happen naturally if you are immersed in the language and have lots of opportunities to talk with native speakers, but for most of us finding enough opportunities to practice is very challenging - until now...
Learn a language by using it!
Engage in dynamic spoken conversations on a wide variety of topics.
Screenshot of example conversation in Japanese
  • Select a topic and starting sentence, then continue the conversation as you wish.
  • Optionally bring up translations as you need them.
  • If you are stuck, you can ask your AI tutor for help - even a beginner can have a conversation!
  • Rewind and try different conversational paths.
  • Our AI will seek clarification if it doesn't understand you.
  • At the end of the conversation get feedback and suggestions for ways to improve.
  • Break down any sentence to understand its grammar and vocabulary.
  • Save sentences for INTENSIVE PRACTICE.
  • Conversation topics includes themes from the UK GCSE and A Level syllabi.
Build and automatize your language knowledge!
Engage in targeted, intensive practice of spoken and written language.
Screenshot of Omniloquent marking a paraphrase as correct.
  • Practice using all modalities - moving through:
    • speaking and listening, using the latest in AI speech recognition and generation
    • reading and writing, in multiple scripts where required*
  • Receive instant correction and personalized feedback from an AI tutor, which judges your answer's meaning, grammar, pronunciation and spelling, rather than relying on a fixed list of possible answers
  • Carry out a combination of copying and translation tasks
  • Learn your own vocabulary lists, receive recommendations for words to learn based on their frequency of use, or learn items from your previous CONVERSATIONS
  • Benefit from AI-suggested practice sentences that incorporate your chosen words
*E.g. Pinyin & Hanzi in Mandarin, Hiragana & Kanji in Japanese

Develop confident speaking and listening skills from day one.

Screenshot of pronunciation feedback on an incorrect Mandarin tone.
  • Leverage cutting-edge speech recognition technology to enhance your fluency and accent
  • Engage with high-quality, natural-speed audio using a variety of talkers of different ages and genders.
  • Receive pronunciation assistance if the speech recognizer doesn't understand you.

Enhance your reading and writing skills.

Screenshot demonstrating typed entry of Japanese and Mandarin
  • Easily input accents, hanzi, kanji, hiragana, and katakana without needing new keyboard layouts.
  • Where required, practice items with multiple writing systems through a carefully ordered sequences. E.g. hanzi with and without pinyin in Mandarin, and furigana on kanji in Japanese.

Get immediate correction and personalised feedback.

Screenshot of AI feedback on a gramatical error
  • Ask our AI why your answer was incorrect and receive corrections for grammar and vocabulary.
  • Pose follow-up questions for deeper understanding.
  • Get pronunciation feedback and advice highlighting which parts of a sentence weren't recognised.

Monitor your improvement over time.

Screenshot of the progress monitoring page
  • Track your knowledge of every intensive practice item.
  • Review all your previous conversations.
  • Listen to recordings of your past speech to monitor improvements in your accent.

The Team

Founder and CTO:
Edward Longhurst

Photo of Edward Longhurst

Ex-CTO Winton Capital
Previously Senior Programmer, Brain & Cognitive Sciences, University of Rochester (NY, USA)

Consultant Language Scientist:
Prof Elizabeth Wonnacott

Photo of Prof Elizabeth Wonnacott

Professor of Language Science, Dept. Education & Fellow of St John's College, University of Oxford

One Day Trial
Try out our Dynamic Conversations and Intensive Practice in any supported language for a day.
Single Language
per month
Two Languages
per month
All Languages
per month

Fair Use Limits Apply: We expect that an learner would be able to use the app for up to an hour a day per language, split between Dynamic Conversation and Intensive Practice, without running out of time.

Currently Supported Languages
French German Spanish Italian Polish Mandarin Japanese
Coming Soon: English, Portuguese
Looking for a different language? Contact us with requests.
Need help? Walkthrough: Creating an account